Wednesday, June 11, 2008

if it weren't the squinting he wouldn't know the sun was out

Wednesday madness  - just the quick updates

Yesterday was stressful but ended well.
Mouse, a skinhead friend (not the racist kind, for anyone wondering) that has known Anthony all his life went and had a talk with the boy and I got a phone call that said "he's angsty, he's a teenager but he's not an idiot", which fits my gut feeling.  He's a dumb teenager doing dumb things.

the boy tested clean on his second UA, this one at the hardcore place that tests every possible way you would try and beat the test - and he came up clean.  So why drop off a sample of water the day before?  Who the hell knows.  I can't think of anything that would leave your system in one day to make it worth cheating monday and being clean tuesday but who the hell knows?

Five Man Job had a really fun set at Six Ring last night and it was fun to get up and get weird with Lauren and Dan one last time before TCIF.

TCIF things are moving like crazy - yesterday we got booze and beer sponsors so there will be excessive drinking, that is for certain.  

the workshops are selling out like mad - as we said they would.  anyone that misses out should go somewhere else for sympathy, you were warned over and over and over again.  There are a few (very few) spots left and they are vanishing rapidly.  Stop talking about it and do it.  Or shut up.

Our canadian friends are passing through today, I have to get part of our office ready for an afternoon meeting I didn't know about until just now and somehow make it to the DMV so I can fly when it comes time to travel for work again.

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