Thursday, June 12, 2008

Go fast, Hold back. If we hold on for one more day we just might last

Thursday, time to freak out - Two Weeks From Today

Our favorite Canadians made it through the weather yesterday and arrived at Casa De Roy in the evening in time for a quiet evening around the house talking theater junk and generally stay up too late.  Today is the day I officially begin that creeping panic that I'm forgetting not one but many, many important things that won't subside until June 30th, if ever.

As far as 'things to get ready' we're in a really good state and back into one of those lulls where there's little to do but wait for the next big time to panic and scramble - hurry up and wait to hurry up.  Right now is waiting.  I hate waiting.  But I have so little left to "do"and my "to-do" list has become more "things to think about"  it's not keeping me busy enough to not drive the people around me nuts, which is important.

Poster printed and picked up wiped the last big project off my list until people start arriving in town.  As stressed as the last several sentences sound, don't be fooled.  the Twin Cities Improv Festival is a bright shining chunk of happiness for me.  See me on Sunday night after the crowds go home and the theater is dark and you'll find a smile that won't go away no matter what happens between now and then.  We'll all hit the Green Mill and I will raise a glass to everyone around me, you should be there.

Shows are going to be awesome - we added Toy Soup to Thursday night and Buddy Daddy in place of the Sunday night JAM session, a show that brought tears of joy to Jill Bernard just talking about the possibility of having it so you know it's going to be pretty fantastic.  

Workshops are rock-solid and almost entire full now (I do wish that I could take one but I haven't exactly left myself open enough during festival time to disappear and be relaxed and creative for 3 hours) and I really dig that improvisers here are into learning from everyone that comes to town, both workshops and shows.  Yet another reason I love the Twin Cities scene more than any other.

The group of people coalescing around the festival that have volunteered to help and lend talents to the event are all awesome and this weird ad-hoc dream-team are all going to have a direct impact on making the event top-notch.  And help us, the "official" production team, kill ourselves a little less this time around, that's a plus.  We might be getting pretty good at this.

Basically I can rest pretty well knowing that we've done about everything sensible we can to make this thing a raging success.  So you'd think the waiting shouldn't be too stressful.  Still.
There's a lot of time in the next 14 days to freak out.

After that starts the Actual work.

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