Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bright moments always come back vivid

Bruised, battered and bloodied blog::

It seems weird to me that I haven't done much Nerd Parade blogging this year but every time I sit down to put together a collection of fun moments that stick out I find that it all blurs together in a really good way that's hard to parse out into thoughts that people would understand. 

This weekend was truly fantastic in all the cheesy inspiring ways.  It could be a concussion typing but I don't think so.

Watching the place wake up on Sunday morning in the later days of summer is always such a bittersweet thing - it's super misty and a little cold and quieter than the early days of the season but you can hear pipes and fiddles and guitars playing and warming up behind all the buildings and everything kind of fades in to places in a nice slow way and the whole place comes to life.

Sunday night I was exhausted.  I'm still exhausted.  But not that 'I worked long hours doing hard work' kind of way - more that unique kind of tired that happens out there that comes from laughing and playing and having fun until you just can't do it anymore.  At the end of the day I'm just wrung out but it feels great and I know if I had one more ounce of energy I'd just do more until it was gone and I smile and nurse my bruises and swollen injuries all the way home.

On my way to the car I was walking in the dark behind a guy that plays music from early morning until closing and he was just humming, then broke into singing, then slung his guitar off his back and started singing a song with the refrain "May her sails guide her safely home" to the place and the people around him on his way out.  And it was beautiful.

it's a place full of people that are inspired to do what they do so much that they can't NOT do it - yes it happens to be pretty geeky - but it's also a pretty rare thing these days and all the more uplifting to just stop, sip my coffee, listen to the music and really take it all in.  Yes I'm tired, yes this time of year always makes me wish I wasn't working 7 days a week but it's also the time where I catch a couple glimpses of why I love doing it and how I got started and all that great, weird stuff that is the Festival.

Plus I can almost kill my fellow cast members without consequence....apparently. That should maybe get its own post, later on.

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