Thursday, April 17, 2008

tortured madness only few will ever know

I think I finally put my finger on a good example of what exactly it is about MySpace that bugs the living crap out of me.

Every time I get booted out (which is fucking often) it's the big red box that blames ME for it with a scolding "You must be logged in to do that" as if:
1. I wasn't just logged in and doing exactly the things the damn site is meant to do - which I was
2. I'm a fucking idiot and didn't know I needed to log in to 'use' the site
3. I wasn't kicked out JUST to look at their new commercial

it's the stance that "Clearly, our site is set up just fine and you're just doing something wrong, idiot" that encapsulates how very very wrong they are in their view of the provider/user relationship and where they see the fault for their site not working.


mikefotis said...

Your writing is so powerful. Like Hemmingway.

Curyusgrg said...

Wow. I never really liked that Fotis guy, but I think that was burn. Good on him.