Thursday, April 17, 2008

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dreams

if you went solely on my blog you'd think today was a dark day - there were some high points

• had a fantastic conversation with a woman at the bus stop about everything from art to technology to preserving the historic buildings in downtown. It was very very nice. She was 80 and as sharp and energetic as anyone I've ever met. It gives me hope for when I get old.

• was riding the bus (which was FULL of assholes - but this is a positive blog) and just happened to glance over at the City Pages the guy next to me was reading and see the ad for Rancid tickets on sale about a second before he turned the page. dumb luck. I now have tickets!! if you know anything about me let it be that I'm the biggest Rancid fan on earth.

• in return for the ticket purchase via Ticketmaster I got a code for 2 free iTunes songs - if you know two things about me let the second be that I cannot possibly select just two songs.  I decided to start chipping away at one of those giant gaping holes in my music library by buying 2 Led Zepplin songs and I think that's a good way to spend my iTunes gift songs from now on.
Today I started with Kashmir and Rock N Roll.

•  today the boys insisted on trying to play outside even though they were clearly cold, but we got to see them go into their playroom and then come marching through the kitchen on the way to the back porch with drum and guitar in tow to go "rock".  it was super cute.

oh yeah, and this video - which inspired my children to pick which Mesopotamian they were.
they are now "Sargon" and "Gilgamesh".  I should thank TMBG for teaching my kids something as well making them weird little fuckers.


1 comment:

Jen said...

Deeelightful. (I adore the goat.)