Friday, April 18, 2008

Though his pride was wounded his ego was strong, yeah that was his trouble and this is his song...

Holy Friday blog -

If you haven't noticed already that Punch Out is tonight and that it's between Adorable and Drum Machine in what is sure to be an awesome spectacle of blood, guts, circuits and comedy - you are illiterate, legally dead or a big jerk. If you fall into one of those three categories (someone read this to the illiterates, please) do not come to our show. Everyone else - see you there.
Punch Out at 11pm
$10 bucks

Jill goes to the morgue, money goes to the Twin Cities Improv Festival

Twin Cities Improv Festival Workshops are open for registration

AND GOING FAST. Last year demand was high and these will fill up. 
Please do yourself a favor and get on it.

It will make a fitting tribute to Jill, as she has worked her ass off on everything educational and then some for the TCIF.   it will be a shame to have to destroy her.

Things on the teenager front got a little boost from punk-rock!

Told the boy last night that Rancid was coming in concert and asked if he wanted to go, which got the most enthusiastic response that didn't involve punching walls that I've seen from him in a long time and he was actually talkative and nice to be a round for a little while, he was even talking about it this morning during the car ride, until he put on his headphones and turned on some Rancid (even though I was playing some over the car's sound system...whatever).

ah, punk-rock: bringing families together.
my mother had the same reaction to Suicidal Tendencies' I Saw Your Mommy and your Mommy's Dead so this really takes me back.  This is the opposite of that.

Either way, today is a good day.
I'm not fighting with the teenager, instead I'm fighting with Jill
At least she can take an improv-punch.

Now I just have to figure out where I'm gonna mount the Drum Machine on my wall....

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