Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You want it, You got it - Kick up a riot, won't you all sing along??

Twin Cities Improv Festival blog - 2 days until showtime

I've sat down to write a new blog countless times, even typed out a bulleted list of ALL the stuff that's happened since I wrote a blog last and all the stuff coming up that was important enough to write about or crap I'm working on, etc
all it did was made it really obvious that I didn't have the time to blog or the faintest idea of where to begin.

My wife's birthday, the twins' birthday(s), work travel, etc etc etc.
But the big one on the horizon is, of course, the Twin Cities Improv Festival.
Everything else is just taking a backseat right now, this is the thing I spend all my free time all year thinking about, working on, emailing about, putting energy into - and it's here. It starts the day after tomorrow and it doesn't even seem possible. I don't want 2 more days to get ready. I want it to be here right now.

The really cool part is that none of the above makes it seem like "work" or even "hard" - it's all fun and I love doing it and now that it's so close I can measure it in hours I'm nothing but excited. Sure, there's all the little last-minute things that need taking care of and running around but I feel like the worrying about "doing enough" is all but behind us at this point.
I love going into a show, any show, knowing that we did everything we could to get people to come see it and being able to say "This kicks ass, if you miss it then it's your loss"
After that, it's time to laugh. You can't beat that.

I owe a huge amount of gratitude to everyone around me at this point, especially people in the TC improv community, which volunteer an insane amount of time, services and help to make this thing possible, and that's on top of what they bring to the stage.
The fact that we can have a festival that is basically driven entirely by a community interest in being awesome and is made sustainable by our audience's interest in seeing top-shelf improv has got to be unique and it's definitely what makes me want to put this thing together - as much as I love bringing people in from all over the country for our audiences to enjoy, I love the Twin Cities Improv scene, first and foremost, and I want everyone to know what we have here. This is our week to show off a bit. We'll go back to being modest midwesterners next week
For now - Welcome to the Twin Cities, we're about to blow your minds.

Tell everyone to come see it - it'll be their loss if they miss out.
Take it from me, a year is a long time to wait.

1 comment:

143 Records said...

Hi great readinng your blog