Monday, August 18, 2008

It was a Techno D-Day and I was a reserve DJ

Monday morning bloggery -

Alright, I'm through making claims that each blog I manage to sit down and write represents a return to daily entries. I'm trying to get back to regular writing on more than a weekly basis but blogging takes a backseat to pretty much everything else at times. Then I find myself with mornings like this and a huge blog that will take people all week to read is the result. Balance is achieved, I suppose.

Festival started this weekend and I'm going to get to that in a separate post, wanted to take a few minutes on important matters first.

I find that I tend to blog predominantly bad news when it comes to the boy so I'll just say that he's home and I'm happy about that and we haven't had any fights in the house since the move and I'm almost too stunned to be happy....but I'm pretty damn happy about it. If you had told me 6 months ago we could go a month without a conflict I would have said one of us would need to be in a coma.

He is actually taking initiative to do things for himself instead of fighting about why people should do things for him (or was when he thought he was on his grandmother's shitlist - since he's discovered he can still call her for favors that's started to decline a bit) and is getting himself around on his bike when he can't get a ride - happy (and a bit shocked) about that.
He even took his bike out through a thunderstorm one evening so I have to suspect there is a girl involved in this process somewhere....mixed feelings about that but mostly happy since if there's anything that will get a teenage boy out of doing nothing but playing video games and getting high it's a teenage girl. What it gets him into doing is another matter.

He's started learning how to drive a clutch and took to it pretty well, so even though he doesn't have a car of his own he now as some options he didn't before (including sneaking off in our car, which I never had to worry about before since he couldn't drive it. that's some peace of mind lost) - still happy even though it probably means the death of our clutch sooner rather than later as well the the return of worrying about the combination of teenager that uses with the ability to drive but he seems to be doing better there as well since he came home and dropped off the car and took his bike back to his friends house for the night. I think everyone can agree a drug induced bike accident is preferable to the alternative.

After the Rancid concert he seems a bit more comfortable with the idea that his dad might actually be someone with interests in common and even told the wife he saw a movie this weekend he thought I might like. It sounds small but it shows an interest in other people creeping through the layers of teenage myopia which is more reason to hope that things are looking up.

So that's good news all around. Sure he's still not motivated to do much else and the school year will bring more things for us to stress about but for now things are good, quiet and sometimes genuinely fun.

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