Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm a busy man, no free hand to hold a grudge

this is insane blog - 

June is both the most stressful and the most fun month of the year.
Today is my last day in the office for the week, took the rest off since I needed to spend my PTO before end of June or lose it forever and this week is packed completely full of festivities and leaves no room for things like "work"

Yesterday was another fun-filled eMeeting, this one was all mine and I get to spend today dealing with the client demanding that I somehow bridge the gap between her wanting to give the thumbs up on every little thing that goes into the meeting and her wanting to blame someone else when she doesn't like the end result.  I understand the compulsion that leads people to micro-manage but I can't relate to the psychotic break required to take credit for the good results and place blame on everyone else for the negative.  I'm so the wrong guy for that conversation.

the meeting didn't even go poorly.  it actually went very very well and there were no major bumps.  So now we're down to passive aggressive second-guessing and crap like that.  Also, not my area.  My favorite....the client came back with an issue over some of the text.  Rather than say "I think that text was wrong" this is what I got:
"I know the type was really small so I could have missed something but is that the text we agreed on?"

Yes, rather than just have direct discussion on wether the copy was right or wrong we're going to entertain the idea that the typeface was so small that is ACTUALLY BECAME DIFFERENT WORDS.  This is my day today.  

anyway - it's the last day before the week takes off

tomorrow is the wife's birthday and she's pretty awesome and deserves complete and undivided attention even though her birthday has totally been eclipsed by the twins' birthday being the very next day for five years now (and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon).  
That means that the boys turn 5 on the 5th and their golden birthday is going to be an insanely cute celebration of our crazy little geniuses, inflatable bouncy houses and gold birthday cupcakes.

almost as soon as the candles are blown out (ok - not really, actually the next day) I depart for Chicago to perform with HUGE in the Chicago Improv Festival. Things with the TCIF have been heating up and most days my brain has completely jumped over CIF, which used to have me all freaked out for at least a week prior.  I'm sure it'll hit me once I arrive Friday afternoon or I'll spend CIF trying to get TCIF work done from the road and miss the fun entirely.

CIF kicked off on a sad note yesterday with the death of  Paul Sills
All I know directly of the man is that he once ripped a notebook out of former Five Man Job member Nick Condon's hands during one of his classes and scolded him that "This is just PLAY!  You don't take notes on how to PLAY!"

I think that's a pretty awesome take from someone that made pretty incredible contributions.
There's more - so much more.  But I've got ruffled feathers to go tend to.  

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