stuff from across the board as I get ready to leave town tomorrow-
You know that nagging feeling that you're forgetting something? Today I'm walking around with the feeling that I'm forgetting almost everything and yet can't put my finger on it. Perhaps this blast of things currently residing in my brain will give some understanding and maybe even relief to that feeling.
today I pushed the 'self destruct' button on my myspace account and it feels good.
Now to migrate IAGG and TCIF information off that goddamn site so I can never touch it again.
Ryan, if you're reading this send me an email just so we can establish contact outside of myspace.
the responses I got both here and privately from yesterday's blog were all super-encouraging and some were a little concerned. I'm not about to throw my kids to the wind just to prove the value of being fearless but I'm going to strike more of a balance and stop using the 'well I have a family to think about' justification when what I really mean is 'this is really terrifying'. That is all.
the teenager sent me a text telling me to 'get hit by a bus' when he didn't get what he wanted yesterday. I might consider throwing him to the wind but that would teach a much different lesson.
the improv theater project now officially has the working title of "Actual Improv Theater" until the day it opens and stops being my imaginary improv theater. Had an awesome meeting last night to get the Actual Improv Theater organization forming and already it started some ideas bubbling up. My consultant on the project warned me that she emails constantly, instantly and at all hours, meaning she's the perfect candidate to work with me already.
If someone out there can help me get this website put together in a huge hurry that would be awesome. it has been sitting on my to-do list for a long long time and it's one of those that I haven't given time to and it weighs me down but there's no good time to pause all the other things I've started to devote the time it needs. So I'm asking for help so I can get it done and checked off. any takers, email me. It's a fun site and mostly done. Just need to put the pieces together.
Please do not send mail there. I get my mail everywhere I go.
tomorrow, very early in the morning, I leave for a gig in Las Vegas. I haven't had time to unwind from the last trip, much less get prepared or even excited for the Vegas trip. It's work. It's a trip to Vegas. It'll hit me sometime after I step off the plane tomorrow morning.
that's the burst of information that will serve as a blog until I settle down a little later.
In the office trying to get everything I need for the trip...oh yeah. I'm taking another trip.
rarely do I do the whole 'posting song lyrics' thing other than my post titles but the song Arnie by Primus came up on shuffle and it is a rare kind of awesome and a really great little monologue and fits today perfectly.
"The Man, he stepped up to the microphone and he gave it a kiss
it was a big, wet, slippery kiss and he had sweat dripping off his nose onto the windscreen
As he looked out over the audience he said 'God bless you, God bless you one and all'
then he took the can of Rosignol lighter fluid, squirted over his head and proceeded to light himself on fire
And he stood there, glowing
and said
'Remember this Day'"
that about sums it up.
You can set gmail to forward to other addresses. Go under "settings" and click "forwarding and POP/IMAP"
It will only forward non-spam.
You should call it The Long Run Theater.
Both because it was always the goal to open an improv theater in the long run, and because when it does get off the ground it will be mostly long-form improv.
Should I ever win the lottery, I will fund your mad scheme.
It occurred to me today as I was playing with Wikipedia (look for TCIF and IAGG!) that it is difficult to describe to people unfamiliar with improv what it is, and that both the TCIF and IAGG websites lack such a description. I think, in order to reach out to new audiences, this should be remedied.
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