Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You tell me what I should know and I can tell you what you want to hear

mellow day with very little to blog about -

took yesterday and today at home in return for my working weekend, and still had high hopes of getting a lot done both days, I would have to say I was about 50% successful and it felt good to have the time to relax at home as well. I spent a good deal of time yesterday just catching up on emails and wasting time online before I realized that it was essentially becoming a day at the office and I should use the time differently.
Sat down to watch some Battlestar Galactica (which I love) and put my feet up for a bit before having to get back to running the teenager around from school to the UA and home again to spend with the little guys.

Last night we skipped softball and decided to stay in as the boys are nursing some colds and both of them were a wreck, somehow anyone of the grandparents are able to wear them out more in a couple hours than the wife and I can over an entire day before sending them home completely unable to deal with each other or anything else. So we stayed in, played some mini-golf and generally had a cute night around the homestead.

today was a little more frantic but a nicer day to be outside so it all sort of balances out
had to run the boy to the dentist this morning to remove all the nastiness that comes with just getting your braces off, he seemed happy enough. I would love to tell myself that his spiraling pattern and wonderful disposition have been caused by the wires on his teeth being pulled too tight and now he's going to snap back into shape but I don't think that's feasible (plus I think the whole point is nothing springs back to the way it was after the braces come off - that would suck) so we'll chalk another point up for the nice sunny day generally making everything a little smoother.

the wife and twins and I just got back from a nice stroll around the ridge and I'm thinking tonight might be filled by some dirty, sweaty yardwork and potentially some dinner outside. Not a bad little weekend I managed to carve out for myself. More work tomorrow - which means more email and wasting time online. But it was good to get away while I could.

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