Wednesday, April 23, 2008

that's why I say, "Hey man, nice shot."

I'm running around like crazy getting ready to hit the airport but wanted to post a Happy Birthday to George, who has been the best friend a guy could have for SIXTEEN FUCKING YEARS because we're both rapidly turning into old men.

he's literally known me since the couple days before Anthony was born, which means our friendship is now hitting those awkward teen years right along with the boy - where nobody talks and we slam doors and every once and while you want to choke it. Hopefully our friendship gets its shit together before it has to move out into the real world.

this is weird.
Happy Birthday George

off to airport hell...


Curyusgrg said...

Thank you (SLAM), (quietly choking it)

Nixie said...

Um... George? I don't think he actually meant you should 'choke" it.. I think it was more metaphorically....*ahem* get your hand out of your pants.