Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Talkin' trash to the garbage around you

April fools blog - 

today is the Summer lottery for the Improv A Go Go and I have never actually used it to prank anyone, mostly because people are always so leery about it in the first place and also because they'd probably stop believing me for the next year and we'd have nobody to perform all summer.
In any case, if you're a performer and have not already, you should be emailing me for a summer spot by noon.  the lottery gets done this afternoon and schedule to be posted as soon as I have time.

yes, it snowed like hell.
yes, the jokes about this being a giant 'april fool' have been made
glad we covered that.

Got an angry and astonished message from the teenager last night, who came out to find he'd been ticketed for parking on the street during snow removal and demanded to know why I hadn't told him anything about it, even though I hadn't seen him all day, he avoids us entirely and when we do speak it takes a lot of effort just to stay in the same room with him.
But he still wants us to go out of our way to take care of him, which says something both cute and incredibly frustrating.  Maybe I'll just keep telling him he's adorable.  that should put a stop to it.

Up late last night making important headway on improv festival stuff (I swear this blog won't turn into my to-do list but the TCIF is going to eat up more and more of my brain for the next 2 months and 25 days so get used to hearing about it) and today begins the next burst of progress.  Press releases, scheduling radio junk, after-party plans, more after-party plans (waiting to hear from Andy about after-after-party plans) and merch.

We have merch coming in the form of T-shirts again - same deal as last year, they'll be priced cheap and the funds help cover the front-end costs of the TCIF, giving people a direct way to support the festival along with Punch Out and other stuff.
Hopefully we'll see them by this weekend.  bring cash
Shirts = $15

The new Raconteurs CD apparently snuck out under everyone's radar since every single person I've talked to seemed shocked by its existence.  I am shocked by how good it is.  Jack White does it again.

I have failed so far to mention in this blog but Team Owen is doing a 'virtual walk' to raise money and awareness for autism research.  Owen is one of my little boys, one of the sweetest and happiest kids on the planet (and maybe the best thing ever to come out of any ovary anywhere)  and also happens to be diagnosed with autism.
You don't actually have to do any walking, you can give directly to Team Owen or form a team of your own to help the cause.

If you'd like to sponsor Team Owen you can do so HERE

We almost doubled our initial goal and are on track to have to raise the bar again as everyone has been extremely generous.  I want to thank you all for your support of Team Owen, it brings tears of happiness to a dad's eyes.  Thank you and don't stop.

anyone that mistakes the above section about Team Owen for an April Fool's joke is stupid.

with that I'm off to work.


Anonymous said...

Owen bypassed the uterus? That kid is amazing.


Butch Roy said...

with a noggin like that you better believe it!
the kid's cranium is gi-normous.

KK said...

I feel compelled to mention that Owen is ONE of the best things to come out of an ovary or uterus (mine, specifically) - he is tied for that honor with Aidan.

Butch Roy said...

Mom is way more fair than me.
Owen is my favorite.