Monday, April 28, 2008

keep your lip stiff, keep you fists clenched

home from the road and spending the day at the house blog -

the trip was good and overall I like being on the road with a crew better than being a crew of one, more hands make for light work and more brains make for more interesting evenings than sitting in front of HBO in a hotel room during all the dead hours.
This trip was nothing but early mornings, long days of sitting in place, HORRIBLE medical photos of penises in various states of bloody damage.......catch a nice meal and turn in early to do it again.
Our cab driver on the way to the airport drove then entire way in either 1st or 2nd gear, including on the freeway, and tried yelling at us for our luggage being too heavy when his Check Engine light went on. We all looked at each other trying to figure out whose nightmare we'd fallen into. it was weird.
In any case I made it home.

things with the teenager are still no fun
He's been banking on the very-teenager-y idea that he can skate by on just saying the things he's supposed to say even though he knows full well that we're going to get empirical evidence that proves he hasn't done anything differently in the form of grades and UA results. Still he wonders (loudly, which usually fills the vacuum left by logic) why we won't just start giving him his driving rights and internet access back based on his "improvement".
The fact that his "improvement" is a work of fiction matters very little and when presented with that fact, like this morning, he still manages to blow up as if he's in the right and how-dare-we-disprove-his-bullshit arrogance. So it was a fun ride to school this morning.

the Twin Cities Improv Festival is 2 months away as of yesterday - someday that little countdown timer on my computer is going to be the thing that sparks a total breakdown instead of just slowly growing stress and dread.
Things are actually in a good place for the Festival, shows are nailed down, workshops are booking fast (seriously, get in now. People that want to complain during the Festival that they couldn't get into the workshops as if we should've done something different will find me unsympathetic, just like last year) and in general we're in one of those drifting periods between panicky times. All you can do is make yourself as ready as possible and I'm pretty sure we've done that unless I've missed something.
Judging from the size of my to-do list I have not missed anything.

Chicago Improv Festival is even closer and HUGE is going to perform, in case you hadn't heard because we do a shitty job of promoting our successes. We're going to tear the roof off the windy city (who probably have pretty secure roofs considering how windy it is) regardless of the fact that we'll be performing during the big Saturday party. We're on June 7th at 10:30 in the soon-to-be-roofless Playground Theater.

CIF moved from late April into June this year, the ripples from which have yet to hit the TCIF but I'm still on edge about it for next year. We shall see. I think people that have to choose between going to CIF to perform or learn versus going to TCIF to perform or learn are going to have a tough decision and that sucks for them. I am fully confident that our Festival is going to keep on being the best it can be, and one of the best there is. I'm a little biased but I'm also waiting for empirical evidence to prove me wrong.

it seems the arrogance is spreading.... meaning I probably gave it to the teenager. oops.

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