Monday, April 7, 2008

for those of Us....Us of lesser Gods

Happy Birthday to Lauren Anderson - 

Yesterday was a strange day on all sides, beginning with the grey, crappy weather that seemed to be weighing everyone down and the completely surreal experience of having to take my kiddo in for drug testing and ending with a pretty damn awesome show.  In between all that my mother-in-law (who is also my next door neighbor) got a brand new 9 week old German Shepard puppy named Gracie that should just be names "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Who's a cutie??" because that's all she's going to hear for a while.

Had an alright rehearsal with Adorable and Five Man Job, which we've doing for awhile together and everyone was in that same funk and just unable to shake up any sort of energy to really throw into things, except for Josh, who uses the fact that we're all low energy to just go over the top (as if we're usually getting in his way).  

The line "it is the Cow Of Demons, as there is no Spanish word for 'steed'" was just too much for me.

Five Man Job things are funky, both exciting and kind of a downer with Dan's departure and the addition of a new member.  We've got a few weeks at the IAGG coming up to get ready for TCIF and then the Festival itself to really rock the paint off the walls with Dan and I'm stoked.

Sex & Aggression had a super fun set last night followed by Aric and Corey doing what may have been the funniest thing I have seen in years.  After their set my ribcage hurt from laughing so hard and I seriously couldn't watch the end of the show because I think I blew that fuse, I was just done laughing for a while.  It was awesome and I wont belabor it (since reading about comedy is like listening to ballet) beyond pointing out that is what I love about improv - if you were there you got the biggest laugh in a long long time and if you missed out it will never happen again, which makes it even cooler for the people that saw it.  or it should.

but the big news is the confirmation I got from the BNW on Punch Out - if it does well we can look forward to more of them.  So it's on you now, people.  If you want to have another show which gives more stage to more improvisers ( I know I do ) - it's time to step up.  that's the deal.
Vaudeville With A Pig vs. The Gay Straight Alliance.  
Friday at 11pm |  $10  |

In other show news - Mike, Dan and I are performing Total Bullshit at the Monday Night Comedy Show on the 14th and 21st and I'm both very excited and kind of nervous to see how our crap flies with a different audience.  I really like that show.  Those of you that have spent more than 2 minutes with me know I like telling a good story and even though I've never thought of myself doing "spoken word" or "stand-up" this is a really comfortable cross between the two and I enjoy the hell out of it.  

time to work.


Anonymous said...

Oh no, where did Dan go?

Butch Roy said...

he's moving to San Diego with his new wife after the improv festival, sometime in July.

mikefotis said...

Total Bullshit is one of my favorite things to do.